Newness comes from the beyond

The new doesn't come from you; it comes from somewhere else. It isn't important for you. Your entire past is in jeopardy. The fear stems from the new discontinuity with you. You have lived in one manner; you have thought in one manner, you have made an agreeable life out of your convictions. The door is then opened by something brand-new. Your entire previous pattern will now be thrown off. You will never be the same again if you allow the new to enter; the new will transform you.

It poses a risk. With the new, you never know where you'll end up. The traditional is well-known; you are familiar with it because you have lived with it for a long time. The unfamiliar is the new. Who knows? It might be a friend or an enemy. What's more, it is absolutely impossible to be aware. Allowing it is the only way to find out; consequently, the anxiety and fear. Also, you can't remain dismissing it either, in light of the fact that the old has not given you yet what you look for. The old promises have been made, but they have not been kept. The old is recognizable however hopeless. Although the new may be uncomfortable, there is a possibility that it will bring you joy. So you can't dismiss it either and you can't acknowledge it. As a result, you sway, you tremble, and you feel a great deal of anxiety. Nothing has gone wrong, so it's only natural. Things have always been and always will be this way.

Make an effort to comprehend the new appearance. Everyone on the planet needs to turn out to be new, on the grounds that no one is happy with the old. It's not possible for anyone to at any point be happy with the old in light of the fact that at all it is, you have known it. Once understood, it has become routine; once known, it has become repetitive and boring. You wish to eliminate it. You desire adventure and exploration. You want to change, but when the new comes knocking, you back away, withdraw, and hide in the old. This is the conundrum. How do we change? — And everyone wishes to change. Boldness is required and not common mental fortitude; it takes a lot of courage to do this. And as a result, people have stopped growing because the world is full of cowards. If you are a coward, how can you progress? With each new open door you recoil back, you shut your eyes. How can you advance? How can that be? You only act like that. Furthermore, in light of the fact that you can't develop you need to track down substitute developments. Your bank balance can grow, which is a substitute for growth. It perfectly complements your cowardice and does not call for bravery. You begin to believe that you are expanding as your bank account keeps growing. You gain respectability. You think you're getting bigger because your fame and name keep growing. You are basically misdirecting yourself. Neither your fame nor your name is you. Your being is not your bank balance. However, if you think of the creature, you start to shake because if you want to grow there, you must give up being cowardly.

Certainly, the idea that "Newness comes from the beyond" can be related to a variety of spiritual topics. 

Here are five examples:

Mystical experiences

The idea of the beyond suggests that there is more to reality than what we can perceive with our five senses. This can lead to a belief in mystical experiences, where individuals feel a sense of connection to something greater than themselves. These experiences can be seen as a form of newness that comes from beyond our everyday reality.

Yes, Mystical experiences are often associated with a sense of connection to something beyond our everyday reality. These experiences may involve a sense of unity or oneness with the universe, a feeling of transcendence or awe, or a sense of communion with a higher power or spiritual force.

Mystical experiences are not limited to any particular religion or belief system. They can occur spontaneously, as well as through intentional spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or contemplation. Some people describe these experiences as feeling like they are "touched by the divine" or "enveloped in a higher consciousness."

For many individuals, mystical experiences can be transformative, leading to a sense of newness and a reorientation of one's worldview. These experiences may inspire individuals to live more fully in the present moment, to cultivate a deeper sense of compassion and love, or to pursue a spiritual path.

It's worth noting that not everyone who seeks mystical experiences will have them, and that there is debate within the scientific and religious communities about the nature of these experiences and their possible causes. However, for those who do have mystical experiences, they can be profound and life-changing.


The concept of transcendence involves going beyond our ordinary experience of the world to connect with something greater. This can be seen as a way of tapping into the beyond, and it can lead to a sense of newness and transformation in our lives.

Yes, transcendence is often described as a way of going beyond our ordinary experience of the world to connect with something greater. This may involve transcending our ego, our limited beliefs, or our physical limitations to tap into a deeper, more expansive reality.

Transcendence can take many forms, including spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or contemplation, as well as creative or artistic pursuits, physical activities like sports or dance, or even everyday experiences like losing oneself in nature or connecting with others in meaningful ways.

Transcendence can lead to a sense of newness and transformation in our lives by opening us up to new perspectives and possibilities. It can help us to see beyond our current limitations and to tap into deeper sources of inspiration and creativity. It can also help us to connect with something greater than ourselves, whether that is a higher power, a sense of collective consciousness, or the natural world around us.

Some people may experience transcendent states more regularly than others, while others may need to actively cultivate them through intentional practices. However, for many people, the experience of transcendence can be deeply transformative and can lead to a greater sense of purpose, meaning, and connection in their lives.

Spiritual growth

If newness comes from the beyond, then it implies that there is always more to discover and explore in the world. This can inspire individuals to seek out new experiences and challenge themselves to grow and evolve spiritually.

Yes, the idea that newness comes from the beyond can be seen as an invitation to continue exploring and growing spiritually. If there is always more to discover and explore beyond our current understanding of the world, then it suggests that there is always the potential for new insights, new perspectives, and new ways of being.

Spiritual growth can take many forms, depending on an individual's beliefs and practices. It may involve exploring new spiritual traditions or practices, deepening one's existing practice, or engaging in practices that promote personal growth and self-awareness, such as therapy or mindfulness meditation.

Challenging oneself to grow and evolve spiritually can be both rewarding and challenging. It may involve confronting limiting beliefs, facing difficult emotions or experiences, or questioning one's existing worldview. However, by doing so, individuals may be able to tap into new sources of insight, inspiration, and creativity that can lead to a greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

Spiritual growth is a personal journey that involves ongoing exploration and discovery. By embracing the idea that newness comes from the beyond, individuals may be more open to new experiences, new insights, and new ways of being that can help them to grow and evolve spiritually.

Connection to nature

The beyond can be interpreted as the natural world, which is often seen as a source of inspiration and renewal. By connecting with nature, individuals may be able to tap into the newness and creativity that comes from beyond our everyday experiences.

Yes, the natural world can be seen as a manifestation of the beyond, and connecting with nature is a way of tapping into its potential for inspiration, renewal, and transformation.

Many people feel a deep sense of connection to nature and find that spending time in natural settings can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and promote a sense of well-being. This connection to nature can also lead to a greater appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the natural world, as well as a greater sense of connection to the broader ecological systems in which we are all embedded.

Connecting with nature can also inspire new ways of thinking and being. By immersing ourselves in natural settings, we may be able to tap into new sources of creativity, insight, and intuition that can help us to solve problems, think more deeply about our lives, and cultivate a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

Some people may find that connecting with nature is easier than connecting with traditional spiritual practices or beliefs. By spending time in nature, we are able to tap into a sense of awe and wonder that can inspire a deeper sense of connection to something greater than ourselves.

Connecting with nature can be a powerful way of tapping into the newness and creativity that comes from the beyond, and can inspire individuals to live more fully in the present moment, appreciate the beauty of the world around them, and cultivate a greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.


The concept of awakening involves becoming aware of the true nature of reality beyond our limited perceptions. This can be seen as a form of newness that arises from a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves. Awakening experiences may be triggered by practices such as meditation, which can help individuals connect with the beyond and gain new insights into their lives.

Yes, the concept of awakening can be seen as a form of newness that arises from a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves. Awakening involves becoming aware of the true nature of reality beyond our limited perceptions and beliefs.

Awakening experiences can be triggered by a variety of practices, including meditation, mindfulness, and other forms of contemplative practice. These practices can help individuals to cultivate a deeper connection to the beyond and to gain new insights into their lives and the world around them.

During an awakening experience, individuals may experience a profound sense of clarity, insight, and awareness. They may feel a deep sense of connection to the broader universe and a greater understanding of their own place in the world.

Awakening experiences can be both profound and transformative, and they can lead to significant changes in an individual's life. They may inspire individuals to live more fully in the present moment, to cultivate greater compassion and empathy, and to pursue a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

The concept of awakening highlights the potential for newness and transformation that exists beyond our limited perceptions and beliefs. By engaging in practices that help us to connect with the beyond, we may be able to tap into new sources of insight, inspiration, and creativity that can help us to live more fully and authentically in the world.

What is the source of creativity? 

The phrase "Newness comes from the beyond" implies that creativity and innovation arise from sources outside of our current understanding or experience. From a spiritual perspective, this could be interpreted as a belief in a higher power or divine source of inspiration.

The source of creativity is a complex and multifaceted topic that has been explored by many different fields of study, including psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy. From a spiritual perspective, the source of creativity can be seen as a higher power or divine source of inspiration that transcends our ordinary experiences and understanding.

Many spiritual traditions and belief systems posit that creativity arises from a source beyond ourselves, whether it be a divine power, universal consciousness, or a collective unconscious. This source is often seen as the wellspring of inspiration and innovation that fuels our creative endeavors.

From this perspective, creativity is not solely the product of our individual efforts or talents, but is also influenced by our connection to something greater than ourselves. This connection may be fostered through practices such as prayer, meditation, or ritual, which help us to tap into the creative potential that exists beyond our ordinary experiences.

Moreover, this spiritual perspective on creativity emphasizes the importance of being open and receptive to new ideas and experiences. By cultivating a sense of openness and receptivity, we may be able to tap into the newness and creativity that arises from the beyond.

The source of creativity is a complex and multifaceted topic that is influenced by a range of factors, including our individual experiences, talents, and perspectives, as well as our connection to something greater than ourselves. From a spiritual perspective, the source of creativity is often seen as a divine or transcendent force that inspires and guides our creative endeavors.

How can we find meaning in our lives? 

If newness comes from the beyond, then it suggests that there is always more to discover and explore in the world. This could lead to a belief in the inherent meaning and purpose of life, and a desire to uncover that meaning through spiritual practices or exploration.

Finding meaning in our lives is a fundamental human quest, and it is something that can be approached from a variety of perspectives, including spiritual, philosophical, and psychological.

From a spiritual perspective, finding meaning in life often involves a search for connection with something greater than ourselves. This may involve exploring our beliefs and values, engaging in practices such as meditation or prayer, or connecting with a community of like-minded individuals who share our spiritual goals.

Spiritual practices can help us to develop a greater sense of purpose and meaning in our lives by providing a framework for understanding our place in the world and our connection to something greater. Through practices such as meditation or prayer, we can cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity that can help us to navigate life's challenges and find deeper meaning and purpose.

In addition to spiritual practices, finding meaning in life may also involve exploring our passions and interests, and pursuing activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. By following our hearts and doing what we love, we can tap into our innate creativity and curiosity, and discover new sources of meaning and purpose in our lives.

Finding meaning in life is a deeply personal journey that requires ongoing exploration, self-reflection, and a willingness to embrace new experiences and perspectives. By remaining open to new possibilities and cultivating a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around us, we can tap into the newness and creativity that comes from beyond, and find deeper meaning and purpose in our lives.

How can we connect with something greater than ourselves? 

The idea of the beyond implies that there is something greater than ourselves, whether that is a higher power or simply the vastness of the universe. By tapping into this greater reality, we may be able to find a sense of connection and belonging that transcends our individual experiences.

Connecting with something greater than ourselves can be a deeply personal and meaningful experience, and there are many ways to approach it. Here are a few suggestions:

Explore your spiritual beliefs

Many people find a sense of connection and purpose through their spiritual beliefs. Whether you follow a specific religion or practice a more general spirituality, taking time to reflect on your beliefs and explore your connection to something greater can be a powerful way to connect with the beyond.

Practice meditation or mindfulness

Mindfulness and meditation practices can help us to quiet the mind, cultivate inner peace, and connect with a sense of something greater than ourselves. Through regular practice, we can develop a greater awareness of the present moment and our place in the world.

Spend time in nature

Nature can be a powerful source of inspiration and renewal. By spending time in natural settings, we can connect with the beauty and wonder of the world around us and tap into the deeper rhythms of nature.

Practice gratitud

Cultivating a sense of gratitude for the blessings in our lives can help us to feel more connected to something greater than ourselves. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives and expressing gratitude for them, we can cultivate a sense of abundance and connection.

Engage in acts of service

Helping others can be a powerful way to connect with something greater than ourselves. By giving back to our communities and contributing to the greater good, we can tap into a sense of purpose and connection that transcends our individual experiences.

The key to connecting with something greater than ourselves is to remain open and receptive to new experiences and perspectives. By cultivating a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around us, we can tap into the newness and creativity that comes from beyond, and find deeper meaning and purpose in our lives.

What happens after we die? 

If newness comes from the beyond, then it could be interpreted as a belief in an afterlife or a continuation of consciousness beyond the physical body. This could bring comfort to those who fear death, as it suggests that there is always more to come.

The question of what happens after we die is one of the great mysteries of life, and there are many different beliefs and theories on the subject. From a spiritual perspective, the idea of the beyond suggests that there is more to reality than what we can perceive with our physical senses, and this can lead to a belief in an afterlife or a continuation of consciousness beyond the physical body.

Many religious and spiritual traditions offer their own ideas about the afterlife, ranging from the idea of heaven and hell in Christianity, to reincarnation in Hinduism and Buddhism. Some people believe in the existence of a soul or spirit that continues on after death, while others see death as a natural part of the cycle of life and believe in the continuation of the life force in some form or another.

There are also many scientific theories about what happens after we die, such as the idea that the brain releases a flood of chemicals that create a near-death experience, or the concept of quantum consciousness, which suggests that consciousness exists on a quantum level beyond the physical body.

The answer to this question may never be fully known, and beliefs about the afterlife will continue to vary widely based on personal and cultural perspectives. However, the idea of the beyond can offer comfort and hope to those who fear death, suggesting that there may be more to come beyond our physical existence.

How can we grow and evolve as individuals? 

The idea of the beyond suggests that there is always more to learn and discover, which could inspire individuals to seek out new experiences and challenge themselves to grow and evolve. From a spiritual perspective, this could involve practices such as meditation or place.

From a spiritual perspective, practices such as meditation, prayer, or yoga can help us to connect with the beyond and gain new insights into ourselves and the world around us. By quieting our minds and turning inward, we can gain a deeper understanding of our thoughts, feelings, and motivations, and develop a greater sense of self-awareness.

Another important aspect of personal growth and evolution is the cultivation of compassion and empathy for others. By opening our hearts to the experiences of others, we can develop a greater sense of connectedness and a deeper understanding of the human experience.

The key to growth and evolution is a willingness to embrace change and uncertainty, and to approach life with a sense of curiosity and openness. By doing so, we can tap into the newness and creativity that comes from the beyond and continue to evolve as individuals.

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